Thursday, August 6, 2015

Just Carry On....

~By Shari
Everything's changed. The me of 'before' is gone. I've experienced a death.
Another one. But this one has no funeral. No tributes. No flowers. It's the death of who I was.
Why is it always so gut wrenchingly awful when life alters?

Here I am. Sitting alone. One always is, really. Alone that is. Alone in your own head when all the ugly squirmy things live. Where the mirror is turned on your yucky bits instead of the smooth pretty face and the stylish poised exterior you cultivate SO HARD.
I'm no longer very sure of who I am. I've done what one is supposed to and 'moved on'...but it seems as though only parts of 'me' made that move.
How many more psychic deaths will happen in this shambolic, Frankenstein life of mine?


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