Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Notes: On Sobriety
~By Sproiler
To those who would teach sobriety.
To assume that the only truth or true consciousness can come from abstaining totally from altered states is an understandable mistake.
This assumption does not consider the fact that a human can never have complete sobriety. That is to say any kind of consistent stable state.
Our sanity is a very precise solution and is never maintained, thus holding onto a thing which is so illusive, seems futile.
This practice also negates the possible heightened experiences achieved through manipulating our consciousness.
It is a false idea that prolonged sobriety will allow you to obtain some kind of ‘super solid’ sense of reality. It may be true that practices such as meditation and exercise may bring upon clarity.Yet rather than being the vapor of abstinence they themselves bring a altered state just as with drugs.
So rather than restricting these altered states completely, a practice of balance should be desired.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Freedom leads to decadence, decadence leads to decay .
~By Sproiler
"When a mother lets her child get away with murder, we call it unethical.
When a society does the same, we call it democracy."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Wise Person Once Said....
~By Shari
Voss, 2009.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Bus 721
~By Sproiler
Screeching on the bus.
She spits rhetoric about fighting other whores.
All for us, all for her mother.
That toothless progenitor picks up a cigarette off the floor.
Looking about to see if any of us had dropped the filthy thing.
She, or perhaps I should say, it, passes that doubly dreaded death to her bleach blond offspring.
How sweet.
My mind spins as I think of the super bugs breeding on the bed of the bus.
I’m sure she’s immune.
God help us, for cockroaches and human scum will be the only things remaining after pandemic and nuclear holocaust.
Mother is a creature to put Bosch to shame. Chin jutting out, concave face, thick glasses set upon a prune nose.
Poor people.
The only thing they seem to do with any success is breed and eat.
This is survival of the fittest gone mad.
These parasites.
They never had a chance.