Friday, May 29, 2009

Death In Summer


Bed of Leaves

~By Somebody

Hellhound concept final

~By Sproiler

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Local wildlife

~By Sproiler

Quick character on old canvas

~By Sproiler


~By Sebastian Tomczak

Close Up

~By Somebody

Hitler Chic


Thanks to Christina for knitting the mousta(t)che.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hell Hound: Stage 1

~By Sproiler

Learning to Fly

~By Somebody

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Visual FX as Audio FX

~By Sebastian Tomczak
I wanted to use visual effects such as blurs, colour transformations and pinches as audio effects instead of visual effects.

I wrote a simple piece of software to help me out with this task. The idea is quite simple. The patch works in two phases. The first phase is to open up an audio file (of up to 8. 163 seconds in length). The patch then converts each individual audio sample into a pixel in an image of 600 by 600 pixels (this equals 360,000 samples), and saves off this image as an image file. Then, the image can be manipulated, and then reimported andconverted back to audio.

Here are some resulting waveforms with their corresponding images. Naturally, the images have been compressed to be uploaded onto the web so there might be some artifacts not visible in the original, uncompressed versions.

Unedited audio (listen):

Gaussian Blur (listen):

Motion Blur (listen):

Glass Blocks (listen):

180 Degree Rotation and Zoom Blur (listen):

Vertical Crop (50%) and Vertical Rescale (200%) (listen):

Milkcrate 30: The Sound of a Pin Dropping

~By Sebastian Tomczak
My three tracks from milkcrate #30: The Sound of a Pin Dropping:

01: Foreboding Lines
02: First Aid
03: Your Hugs Give Me Pins And Needles (65 minutes long!!)

Audio FX as Visual FX 02

~By Sebastian Tomczak

Using audio effects as visual effects.

Audio FX as Visual FX 01

~By Sebastian Tomczak

Using audio effects as visual effects.

Fantasy sketch:Cultured Nature Spirit

~By Sproiler


~By Shari


~By Shari
Being seen, but not recognised.
Being spoken to, but not spoken with.
Being listened to, but not heard.
Being known, but not acknowledged.
Being part of, but not connected to.
Being swallowed
just not whole.

The Cat


Monday, May 25, 2009


~By Sproiler

The Strong Arm of the Lord

~By Somebody



Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rain at night.

~By Sproiler




~By Sproiler

Brighter Nightmares

~By Somebody


standing strong

~By newbee

Talcum Foot or Talcum Penis?


Creative Commons License
All submissions published on Firefly Diorama are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License.