Friday, May 8, 2009
30 Songs In 30 Days: 07 - Baden-Powell Through Jungles
~By Sebastian Tomczak
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
30 Songs In 30 Days: 06 - Islands 1
~By Sebastian Tomczak
The Muse
~By Shari
though all is set up, waiting.
The muse does not come
though my pencils are sharpened and my book opened
The muse does not come
though my desk space is cleared, and I look out over hills
and treetops....
though classical music plays, softly, in the background....
though my days are empty of chores...
though nothing, nobody, demands my attention
the muse does not come.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Soil under her fingernails.
~By Sproiler
far away little one
Far from your clothes and store bought desires.
The words come marching
You see them when you sleep
Yet,they are nothing
Not your fingers or your fangs
far away little one.
Let your cry be a hymn
But a song unhinged
Call to the moon
Feel the echo in your lungs
far away little one.
While you're young
To the ocean ,
To the night,
Into the undergrowth
Oh, mother with a knife .
30 Songs In 30 Days: 05 - The Snail
~By Sebastian Tomczak
30 Songs In 30 Days: 04 - Fashionable Alchemy
~By Sebastian Tomczak
Monday, May 4, 2009
Prague City Spires / Prague, City of Spiders
~By Somebody
ripening apple trees and bees burrowing
through spilled fruit, ants gutting
furrows through pips and rotten cores.
From the orchard, a city:
spilled bursts of spires and painted walls
guttering haggardly through trees,
patterning massive chemical diagrams.
In the city, a streetlamp:
haphazard spiderwebs dangle in the crook,
the ripening fruit of flies furrowing but
not bursting its tiny spiral patterns.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Poe, Schopenhauer, Van Gogh.
~By Sproiler
This mischievous muse, she saunters towards
Holding aloft a cup overfloweth
It spills unto me,My being transformed
Then I do see of dreams foretold
Of mentors and saints
Of fathers unchained
Only now do I witness their words come to fire.
Oh I see your fields of yellow
Oh I see your hollowed halls
Oh I do see emerald and crimson
Spiraling down,
Pirouette or parody
Their eyes are mine
yet It is their fingers that tap on the keys and grasp for the sable.
Only it is me, who pens this fable.
30 Songs In 30 Days: Songs 01 to 03
~By Sebastian Tomczak
"The idea of it is that in a timeframe of 30 days you are to write 30 songs. These songs can be a 10 second long melody and bassline or an epic, melodic 15 minute long piece. There is little chance of actually completing 30 masterpieces, but that isn’t the point. The point is to push your boundaries of what you would normally do."
Here is my first song. It's called "A New Dawn", written for Sega Master System.
Here is my second song. It's called "The Swindler", written for Sega Master System.
Here is my third song. It's called "Protection", written for Sega Master System.
In The Era Post-Eldritch (72HAC)
~By Sebastian Tomczak

I have finished my 72HAC:
In The Era Post-Eldritch
Chew-Z is marketed with the slogan, God promises eternal life. We can deliver it. Those who take the drug have experiences akin to the afterlife in both western and eastern religions. Chew-Z allows a person to live “eternally” in that it seemingly eliminates time and space; a trip that actually lasts only minutes can seem to last hours, days or possibly years. It also is akin to reincarnation in that it allows a person to experience his or her surroundings as a new life form.
From this thread:
B00daw says:
"Let's let the big boys and girls have a turn to be really challenged and learn something.
What differenciates between a normal 42HC and a 72HAC is the means of which the composition is made or with what types of media it's made. Conventional chips or trackers are discouraged in order to present an educational and challenging, obstacle-ridden goal to the already skilled hacker/musician.
Can you hac it?
For the first challenge, I call out little-scale.
I 72HAC you to create a ~5 minute song using a single TIA and two additional mixing tracks; three tracks in all. One track must solely be the TIA and its two channels. The other two tracks can only be YOUR vocals or generated vocals. I will set no limit to what can be done with the vocals. Extreme manipulation is encouraged. However, the TIA track must remain pure. As an added but unnecessary goal, please try to make the overall melodies of the TIA sensical. (We both know it's possible... but challenging. ;D)
little-scale do you accept the 72 Hour Advanced Challenge?"
For the next challenge, I call out nitro2k01.
Dear nitro2k01,
For the 72HAC I am proposing to you two options. You may choose whichever you feel is best for you at this point in your life.
Option 1
- Write a "micro EP" with at least 10 tracks (each track is equal to one minute or less).
- You may use as many as two Game Boys.
- You must only use channel 3 in sample mode (kit).
- You must only use drum kits that you make yourself specifically for this task, and release them afterward as well. However, you are not required to create all samples used for your kits - ie. you can use samples you have recorded before, or you can use creative commons etc samples if you like.
Option 2
- Develop the program "shitwave" further.
- Add additional, controllable parameters for the end-user - what you add exactly is up to you.
- Write a track that utilises shitwave in some way, or record a set of examples that best demonstrates the new features of shitwave. Either way, the minimum amount of audio at the end is 2 minutes and 37 seconds.
Yours in friendchip,