Thursday, April 23, 2009

On Rain...and other things...

~By Shari
There truly can't be anything much better than sitting at one's desk, eating something delicious, drinking hot tea, looking out over treetops to the hills beyond, whilst watching and smelling the rain while one writes. The air is crisp and I have a cardie on. The air is scented by rain on eucalyptus leaves and my scented oil burner. I am listening to awesome music and it feels as though anything I choose to do today will be the best choice I have ever made.

What is it about this combination of disparate elements that makes me feel so completely happy and fulfilled?


Like watching a film and yet feeling as though you are part of the story, this way of 'being' takes me away from the less comfortable elements of Nature while allowing me to feel as though I am still part of it. The cardigan is warmth and comfort although the weather is cold and wet; as is sitting comfortably at my desk experiencing the wind, rain and chilly weather as a passive observer. All this happens whilst the scent of wet leaves and expensive oils combines to recreate a kind of luxurious take on the earth's smells, and inspiring music fills the room. I am sheltered. I am fed. I am warm and dry. Yet all of my senses are awake. My eyes, my ears, my nose, my taste buds, my skin and my I write. Without facing hardship of any kind, I have managed to meet the cold and rain, the wind and mud front on and lived to tell the tale. Such as it is.


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